Our Statement Of Faith
As ICF we belong to the worldwide Christian Church and stand on the foundation of the Apostles’ Creed. Furthermore, we follow the Lausanne Covenant.
The following is a statement of faith in our own words:
God’s story with us
Who is God?
God is eternal and almighty. He was not created, but is the origin of space and time and all life. And although He is only one God, He exists in three persons. The Father is the Creator of the universe. Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, became human to save the world. The Holy Spirit is at work in this world and wants to live in us, accompany and teach us.
What is God’s dream?
Because God is love, He invites us to turn to Him and have a living relationship with Him. When we accept this invitation and enter into a relationship with God, we become more like Him by His working in us and we experience true freedom – now and for eternity.
What is the problem?
Human beings have distanced themselves from God and put themselves in God’s place. Instead of asking what God wants, they prefer to put their own interests first. This has ruined the trusting relationship between God and all of His creation. Humanity is now trapped in this brokenness – in distrust, selfishness, hostility and destructive thoughts. We cannot escape from this captivity by our own strength.
What is God’s solution?
God solved this hopeless situation: He sent Jesus Christ to our world, born as a human. He loved radically, gave dignity to people and He lived by and taught God’s principles. He renounced all His privileges and became our servant. Jesus died on a cross to take upon Himself all our burdens and everything that separates us from God – our guilt, shame, pain and loneliness. Death has been conquered through the resurrection of Jesus. We have been made righteous and can now be part of God’s mission.
How do we become part of this story?
Jesus Christ calls all people to live with and for Him. When we accept His forgiveness and surrender our life entirely to Him, we are a new person by His grace. We proclaim this gift of salvation through our baptism and celebrate it in the Lord’s Supper. God’s commission to us is to love Him and the people around us and hereby have a positive influence in our world. In all this the Holy Spirit helps and leads us. He speaks to us through the Bible and gives us guidance for our lives. This changes us, our families, friendships, cities and nations. As a church we come together at our Celebrations but also in Small Groups to worship God, experience Him and grow in faith. We invite everyone to become part of God’s story.
What is the goal of the story?
God’s dream is not finished yet: After His resurrection, Jesus Christ returned to His Father in heaven. It is from there that He will one day come back and establish His eternal kingdom of peace. Then God will raise the dead and every person will have to answer to Him, and whoever believes in Jesus will be with God for eternity. God will wipe away all tears and there will be no more pain, suffering or death.